Таймырский Долгано-Ненецкий муниципальный район

Версия для людей с ограниченными возможностями

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Information about the Second International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr» can now be found in the Internet

Information about the Second International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr» can now be found in the Internet 26.11.2014

Information about the Second International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr» can now be found in the Internet

Full information about the Second International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr» is placed on the official site of the local authorities of Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Metropolitan Borough in the tab of the festival: https://taimyr24.ru/maf2014/.

Here visitors of the site can find the programme of the events, learn about participants and guests, among who: unique performers of traditional native songs and classical music, choreographic ensembles, masters of arts and crafts, scientists. The information is presented on two languages Russian and English.

During the festival the whole information about the events will be laid out on the site. Any person will be able to follow the events of the Arctiv festival online and to become its virtual participant.

the Second International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr» will take place in the capital of Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Metropolitan Borough in the town of Dudinka in December,8-14 in 2014. Guests and delegates from the countries of the Arctic Council - Norway, Finland, Iceland, Canada, and also countries – constant observers of the Arctic Council of non-arctic states the Netherlands and Japan will take part in the festival. Artists and creative teams from Yamal, the Republic of Tyva, Khakassia, Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg will come to Taimyr.

Note: More than 9.5 thousand people took part in the First International Arctic festival «Attraction of Taimyr».

Количество показов: 653
Дата изменения: 06.12.2014 12:59:36

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